About Us: The ThunderWear Story
Do you or your man have something that supercharges the day by just putting it on? Trust us, all men do.. be it a watch, cologne, shoes, pants, shirt, or tie.
I've had my fair share of boring black, white and gray undies + socks and at the time, it felt fine. It was perfectly blah. BUT then it happened...
As most good stories start, it was one night in Hong Kong that a friend and I were on the town and he said, 'You've got your lucky underwear on?'
From that day forward, it shook the foundation to the feeling that could be but at the time, was not. This feeling, and the invisible conformity some people feel we're 'meant' to fit into, jolted us to start ThunderWear, a man's solution to a boring black and gray world.
As a new start up, this is our revolution to take on the boring black, white and gray men's essentials.
In Singles or Monthly, these beauties arrive right to your doorstep without lifting your fingers off your keyboard.
The consistent feedback we get is that the feeling of getting bold, beautiful and comfy SHOCKS socks & THUNDIES boxer briefs, is a gift that keeps on giving.
So, get ready to feel like thunder, down under, and thank you in advance for trusting us with your greatest assets.